Details: Digital Inductor Converter

Digital Inductor Converter, Type: EK DIC-2 is part of the EK DIC-2 system that serves as a substitute for kilometers long LB telephone lines between the railway stations and the local LB telephone lines within the railway station. Instead of traditional copper LB wires system uses long-range and high capacity optical cables between the railway stations, while locally within the railway station uses short-range and low capacity optical cables. The system also replaces traditional inductance phones with new optical phones which are an excellent replacement for existing induction phones providing better quality of work and a lot of new possibilities.

EK DIC-2 system consists of maximum 25 remote locations (railway stations) which are connected in series with one pair of optical fiber cables. There is also a redundant pair of aerial optical cables linking the final EK DIC-2 devices to create the "ring" system that allows operation of the system in the event of disruption over the one pair of fiber optic line or a failure of one EK DIC-2 device. On each remote location is the individual EK DIC-2 device to which can connected up to 16 optical phones or up to 8 standard inductance phone.


Railway Technology, Infrastructure subassemblies, Telecommunications


e06106__ek_dic-2_converter_infrastructure_3.pdf   (293.66 KB)

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