European Structural and Investment Funds

Radio dispatching device with control unit
The VS87 radio kit with VO87 control unit ...

Photovoltaic Systems
We provide the service of design, construction and maintenance of roof and floor solar photovoltaic systems.

Rolling stock and infrastructure equipment
Development and production equipment for rolling stock and infrastructure...

Satellite monitoring of rolling stock
Satellite tracking and monitoring and station announcement system ...

Parking Systems
Elektrokem is a representative for billing and parking control systems of renowned German manufacturers. They are installed all over Croatia, from Vukovar to Dubrovnik.

Playground lighting control system
As the lighting of the playground has a different function than the lighting of the street and the crossroads...

System for vehicle tracking and surveillance with communication console
Completely new system for satellite vehicle monitoring...

Railway technology, Electrodistribution, Power devices for radio communications, Regulation and control of public lighting, LED traffic sign, Cathodic protection system, Custom Design...

Sales office
T-CZ, a.s. - Radiocommunication Systems, Visaton, RCS - Audio systems, Faischer Elektronik, DESIGNA - Parking Systems, OBT PA - Public Address System ...

We perform all types of electrical fittings: those of weak and heavy current and also in plants. We manufacture electrical switchboard cabinets with full mechanical and electrical equipment...

EK Systems
EK Fleet system for satellite monitoring and vehicle surveillance, EK NRO System for distribution box control, Monitoring and illumination regulation system, SCADA systems...
Send us a query
We are the company that produces power electronic assemblies, equipment and systems designed in according to customer requirements.
If You are not sure how to find a proper solution for Your problem, or You are not sure in making Your requirements, please reffer to us by this form and we will help You.