Details: Playground lighting control system

The lighting of the playground is included in the evening, and is excluded in the morning depending on the age of the year as well as all other public lighting in the city.

As the lighting of the playground has a different function than the lighting of the street and the crossroads it was possible to perform rationalization in terms of maintaining functionality and reducing the consumption of electricity.

Simplerly, it means that it is not necessary to park the playground all night if there is nobody on the playground, rain, etc. There is also a requirement that the field lighting must turn off at night after the time has elapsed in house order.

Playground lighting control system, type: EK SURI-1 is designed for automatic shutdown or manually switching on public lighting for a playground. Serves to manage the playground lighting economically, with significant energy savings being achieved. Playground lighting control system is consists of an outdoor unit, a stage divider and a speaker.

External unit, type: EK RDI-1 features a controller microcontroller, a real-time clock with battery, an RF transceiver, a capacitive button, a control logic for the contactor and the speaker.

The outdoor unit housing is made of "antivandal" design and has full protection against dust entering and protection from low water jets from all directions (IP65).

Factory default parameters are as follows: the lighting is automatically switched off at 23 o'clock on Fridays and Saturdays, and at 22 o'clock Sundays to Thursdays.

Lighting off times (Fri-Sat and Sun-Thu) are factory default parameters and may be changed if necessary using the EK DEBUG-RDI Diagnostic Module.

Five minutes before the lighting is switched off, a sound warning is repeated every minute until it is switched off. After the automatic turn off of the playground lighting, it can not be switched on again until the next day when the public lighting is turned on again.

Diagnostic Module, type: EK DEBUG-RDI is used for factory exterior and interior test, parameterization of the outdoor unit before installation, and for the operation of field lighting management system management as well as for the subsequent modification of field parameters.


Monitoring and illumination regulation system


Playground lighting control system EK SURI-1.pdf   (560.7 KB)

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